Tutorial 4

1. Import Data

  1. Import the pandas python module and name it pd
  2. Load the Excel sheet "Data" from Excel file "data.xlsx" into a dataframe called data.
  3. Display the number of rows and columns in data.
  4. Display the first 10 rows at the top (head) of the data table.
  5. Load the Excel sheet "Peak" from Excel file "data.xlsx" into a dataframe called peak.
  6. Display the number of rows and columns in peak.
  7. Display the first 10 rows at the top (head) of the peak table.
In [6]:
import pandas as pd

data = pd.read_excel('data.xlsx', sheet_name='Data') 
print("Data Table: {} rows & {} columns".format(*data.shape))
display(data.head(10)) # View data table (top 10 rows)

peak = pd.read_excel('data.xlsx', sheet_name='Peak') 
print("Peak Table: {} rows & {} columns".format(*peak.shape))
Data Table: 91 rows & 3087 columns
Order SampleType QC M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 ... M3075 M3076 M3077 M3078 M3079 M3080 M3081 M3082 M3083 M3084
0 1 QC 1 1.837062e+08 1.296528e+08 3.961182e+07 3.732578e+07 5.339865e+06 1.031822e+08 9.409682e+06 ... 35153.206002 15735.886504 24928.165047 30134.444665 3035.247672 18271.101975 20981.783849 3523.418763 23752.440055 17161.698785
1 2 QC 1 2.030571e+08 1.178121e+08 6.361418e+07 6.682747e+07 5.572493e+06 9.366510e+07 9.941482e+06 ... 36701.059662 15590.522963 24776.756320 30250.013996 3052.288747 22116.296519 24543.382677 3389.677457 24262.317947 18949.290754
2 3 Sample 0 1.285728e+08 2.726444e+08 4.611692e+07 4.717621e+07 3.178726e+06 8.077425e+07 6.924520e+06 ... 43120.310719 16378.981747 28627.451582 31297.776297 1738.358685 17695.679626 16703.470005 1113.489872 29717.457693 14683.792853
3 4 Sample 0 1.491128e+08 1.955086e+08 5.212802e+07 5.114760e+07 3.428193e+06 8.211311e+07 7.416907e+06 ... 44663.545552 17429.459487 25703.703594 26399.809078 846.020446 15306.546820 15198.095655 1137.752119 26610.868749 11913.223789
4 5 Sample 0 1.590268e+08 3.780061e+08 4.238071e+07 4.282051e+07 3.186309e+06 1.000761e+08 7.030797e+06 ... 41770.351723 18467.519040 27371.393974 28374.785933 1959.397898 14904.243032 15625.089253 1101.738536 26496.665356 12750.259715
5 6 Sample 0 1.875314e+08 7.153474e+07 5.007826e+07 5.036435e+07 4.849348e+06 9.998757e+07 1.039036e+07 ... 41616.726360 11426.528395 23313.373795 28582.727888 872.115128 15301.063816 14321.556052 1030.238432 32587.650554 18655.811727
6 7 QC 1 1.983585e+08 1.204062e+08 5.190127e+07 5.180519e+07 5.348706e+06 8.966852e+07 9.605938e+06 ... 32839.675140 16262.163327 21298.643088 28065.010551 3277.276918 20071.616958 18198.098904 3047.831055 24997.154651 14494.628663
7 8 Sample 0 1.460268e+08 2.274148e+08 5.872350e+07 5.581725e+07 4.342786e+06 1.059740e+08 1.401639e+07 ... 35339.968664 25426.050392 51819.646796 21762.932664 1822.815140 23457.954245 23651.858710 1210.741328 22834.426860 15771.899526
8 9 Sample 0 1.381372e+08 1.269111e+08 5.276344e+07 4.936756e+07 3.005090e+06 8.101362e+07 1.484466e+07 ... 33766.256647 15963.341703 50651.507533 18503.876558 843.925809 16572.962662 16625.898352 1186.166100 25623.108950 13811.758227
9 10 Sample 0 1.601298e+08 4.347327e+08 4.883041e+07 4.518047e+07 3.326398e+06 7.714394e+07 1.239396e+07 ... 31442.161072 22600.725041 51901.700174 16804.403434 1522.101762 19948.743747 22690.058851 1229.664436 22637.770945 15009.816887

10 rows × 3087 columns

Peak Table: 3084 rows & 6 columns
Idx Name Mol_Weight RT_minutes RSD D_Ratio
0 1 M1 113.05902 1.276 5.012937 0.28
1 2 M2 203.11564 0.950 9.557013 0.19
2 3 M3 161.10514 1.428 16.085023 0.26
3 4 M4 129.07893 1.400 18.035797 0.49
4 5 M5 161.10510 1.272 19.515359 0.40
5 6 M6 225.94404 5.923 6.510319 0.33
6 7 M7 194.08026 1.169 2.890900 0.03
7 8 M8 115.06345 7.067 4.733385 0.16
8 9 M9 131.09461 6.220 6.138996 0.33
9 10 M10 117.07900 6.971 4.783892 0.32

2. Histogram of RSD

  1. Import the matplotlib.pyplot visualisation package and name it plt
  2. Invoke the special "Jupyter Magic" command %matplotlib inline to help simplify plotting
  3. Create a histogram of the column peak.RSD
  4. Add an x-axis label "RSD" to the figure
  5. Generate the figure using the function plt.show()
In [2]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline 

plt.hist(peak.RSD, 50, density=True, facecolor='g', alpha=0.5) 
plt.xlabel('RSD', fontsize=15)

3. Jointplot of RSD vs. D-Ratio

  1. Import the seaborn visualisation package and name it sns
  2. Create a plot of peak columns peak.RSD vs. peak.D-Ratio with bivariate and distribution graphs. (automatically displayed)
In [3]:
import seaborn as sns

sns.jointplot(x=peak.RSD, y=peak.D_Ratio, kind='kde', color="skyblue") 
<seaborn.axisgrid.JointGrid at 0x10e402048>

4. PCA score plot of QC vs. Sample

  1. Import the packages required to calculate the principal component analysis (PCA)
    • numpy (import as np)
    • scikit-learn packages sklearn.decomposition.PCA, sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler
  2. Import the matplotlib package required to map colours to datapoints, to plot the PCA scores
    • matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap
  3. Scale the data and calculate the PCA.
  4. Plot PCA scores (pc1 vs pc2) labeling/coloring samples by 'QC' or 'Sample'
In [4]:
# Import
import numpy as np
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap

# Extract X matrix
names = peak['Name']
x = data[names].values
x = np.log(x)
x = StandardScaler().fit_transform(x)

# Create and fit PCA
pca = PCA(n_components=2)
scores = pca.fit_transform(x)
label = data['SampleType']

# Split scores into sample and QC
Sample_scores = scores[label == 'Sample',:]
QC_scores = scores[label == 'QC',:]

# Plot Sample score and QC score
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,8))
h1 = plt.scatter(Sample_scores[:,0],Sample_scores[:,1],edgecolors='Black', facecolors='Green',s=100,alpha=0.5)
h2 = plt.scatter(QC_scores[:,0],QC_scores[:,1], edgecolors='Black', facecolors='Red',s=100,alpha=0.5)

# Add legend, labels, and title
plt.xlabel('PC1', fontsize=15)
plt.ylabel('PC2', fontsize=15)
plt.title('Quality Control PCA plot',fontsize=20)

# Show plot

5. Bubble plot of Molecular Weights vs. Retention Time (sized by RSD)

  1. Create a scatterplot of two peak columns: peak.Mol_Weight vs. peak.RT_minutes (each dot is a metabolite peak).
    • make the size of the dots proportional to the RSD of the datapoint with the argument s=peak.RSD**2/2
    • make the dots (bubbles) transparent with the argument alpha=0.2
  2. Add x-axis label "Molecular Weight", and y-axis label "RT minutes"
  3. Add a plot title
  4. Render the plot
In [5]:
# Scatterplot of Mol_Weight vs. RT_minute with size RSD^2/2, and colour red
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20,16))
plt.scatter(peak.Mol_Weight, peak.RT_minutes, s=peak.RSD**2/2, alpha=0.2, edgecolors='black', c='red') 
plt.xlabel('Molecular Weight', fontsize=15)
plt.ylabel('RT minutes', fontsize=15)
plt.title('Metabolites Detected (sized by RSD)',fontsize=20)
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